Friday, April 13, 2007

Digital Britain Trends

It is well known that nations are changing, but UK population seems to be changing faster. We should be thinking in the gaps created by these facts. Let's see some facts:

  • In 2005, almost half of children aged 8 to 11 - and far higher proportions among older children - owned their own mobile phone.
  • More than 40% of the adult population has bought something online in the last 12 months.
  • 57% of the British households had an Internet connection.
  • In 2007 people aged 65 outstrip those aged under 16 for the first time in UK.
  • The fertility rate is still below the necessary to keep the population steady.
  • Immigration has helped the population to continue rise !
  • 500 UK citizens a day left Great Britain to leave abroad.
  • Almost the same number of jobs were performed by women as men in 2006.
  • More students are taking jobs and the average student's income from work more than doubled from £822 to £1,821 between 1999 and 2005.
  • The fever for healthier lifestyle is still strong.

These figures show to marketers and companies huge market opportunities for innovations.

There are massive gaps, for example in Internet security to avoid electronic fraud transactions and data steal for both sides: companies and customers. This sector needs marketing qualified professionals urgently.

What about the media and advertising industry ? How to adapt the old media for this new reality with high level of immigrants and digital UK population ?

This is just to think about. If you have any comments, please let me know.

Cheers !

Fabio Oliveira

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