45 Million at risk on both sides of Atlantic
Around 12% of Internet users in the UK have been the victims of online fraud, according to government-backed research (DataMonitor:2007). The figures were broken down to show that during 2006, 6% of all Internet users (1.7 million people) had suffered fraud whilst shopping online, 5% experienced another form of general online fraud, and 4% had been subject to bank account or credit card fraud as a result of activity online.
Now, we are facing another threat, at this time the problem is to buy in stores, any of them, paying with debit or credit cards. British authorities last week launched an inquiry into how computer hackers who targeted the cut-price fashion retailer TK Maxx were able to steal information from more than 45 million credit and debit card holders on both sides of the Atlantic (The Guardian:2007).
Names, card numbers and personal data were stolen - and in the US, social security numbers - over a 17-month period and covering transactions dating as far back as December 2002. The firm said it did not know how many of the cardholders affected were shoppers at TK Maxx's 210 stores in Britain and Ireland, although more of them were likely to be American. Canadian shoppers have also been affected. The company disclosed in January that it had a problem but suggested the volume of information stolen was not on a large scale.
The fact is: Who is responsible for these information ? Are the companies prepared to tackle with this problem ? As a marketer, the concern is about misleading promisses and to cope with this kind of problem. Nevertheless, the general media did not broadcast this kind of problem, (probable in order do not create panic) with no doubts this kind of problem can affect TK Maxx's credibility as a brand and company. Moreover, this kind of problem, can affect the way people pay when shopping.
According Peter Drucker (2002), there is 07 opportunities to create Innovation: Unexpected Occurrences, Incongruities, Process Needs, Industry and Market Changes, Demographic Changes, Changes in perception and New Knowledge. I would say that the IT industry has a great opportunity here. Don't you think !
Well, as a consumer I would like to say: Let's pray !
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