Assignment I - Practising Marketing in Uncertainty
Hello guys,
here I am again, trying to exchange some ideas with you all. This assignment is about a company operating in an uncertainty country with a high level of environmental dependency. We have to identify the key aspects below:
Take an organisation which is, by its nature, involved in green issues and in politically unstable countries.
How the company should develop a marketing strategy or adapt their strategy to possible issues in terms of unpredictable political situations, changes in legislation and natural disasters as appropriate.
I developed my writing as described below:
1. I have chosen to write about a company called Natura - one of the market leader in Brazil and Latin America. They are extremely dependent of Amazon biodiversity to be used as raw material for developing cosmetics products.
2. They are working with extremely poor families in remotes areas of Brazil, in order to grow plants and herbs.
3.They are trying to sell products in international markets such as Paris, Argentina and Colombia. Alhtough, they are still dependent of Brazil's biodiversity.
In my text I tried to answer the follow questions :
- What if Brazilian government decides to control the biodiversity exploration and to change the regulations about working with poor communities, then creating a barrier for Natura to access raw materials ?
- How should Natura being working in order to reduce the Brazilian's biodiversity dependency ?
- What kind of actions I would suggest to Natura ?
I've not used any model such as PEST analysis in the assignment, but in fact, I've made an analysis of all these aspects in order to develop the assignment. The work is short, just 1500 words, then it is better to focus in answering the questions.
I've used a Innovation Framework Pentatlhon by Goffin and Mitchell (2005) in order to analyse the current company situation and to come up with some innovative's works !
Again, if you have a different point of view, please let me know.
CRAVENS, D.W and PIERCY, N. (2003) “Strategic Marketing”. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
KOTLER, P. and KELLER, K.L. (2006) “Marketing Management” 12th Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
MELDRUM, M. (2000) “Marketing Management: A relationship marketing perspective”. Cranfield School of Management. Great Britain: Palgrave.
ROOME, N. (1998) “Sustainability Strategies for Industry: The Future of Corporate Practice”. Washington,D.C: Island Press
ULRICH, P. and SARASIN, C. (1995) “Facing Public Interest – The ethical challenge to business policy and corporate communications.” Netherlands: Kluer Academic Publishers.
WEICK. K.E and SUTCLIFFE, K.M. (2001) “Managing the Unexpected – Assuring high performance in an age of complexity” California: Jossey-Bass.
Journal Articles
Shapiro, B.P. (1988) ‘What the hell is market-oriented’, Harvard Business Review, November-December, pp. 119-125.
Smith, N.C. and Ward, H. (2007) ‘Corporate Social Responsibility at a crossroads ?’ Business Strategy Review, pp. 17-21.
Web Sites and Reports
DataMonitor (2006) Market Review – The Food Industry [Online] URL: [Accessed 20/02/07].
DataMonitor (2006) Brazil Country Profile [Online] URL: [Accessed 20/02/07].
IBGE (2003) Trabalho Infantil (Infantile Work) [Online] URL: [Accessed 05/03/07].
Natura Web Site (2007) [Online] URL: [Accessed 21/02/07].
Sistema Sul Ambiental Brasil (2007) – Deforestation in Amazon report. [Online] URL: [Accessed 27/02/07].