Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is making the customer "Believe" in your marketing proposition, a necessary and sufficient condition of a successful sales pitch?

Marketing and Sales are under the same umbrela or objective which is to sell and create value for customers, as consequence for the company and shareholders. There is a direct and strong link between marketing propositons and sales' success.

For example, if the lead/customer did not buy into your marketing proposition the sales approaches and argumentation will be very difficult to be accepted. The creation of these values can be developed through Word of Mouth (WOM), personal selling, direct mail, or any other communication channel, including online marketing.

Marketing must facilitate the sales process through creating better offers and recognition of products´value by the potential clientes.

Value proposition = Easier and soft sales approach = better chances of establish relationship and profitable customer lifetime...


1 comment:

Nina said...

Ta "xique" no "urtimo".

ate blog vc tem, parabens pra vc e pra sua esposa.

( Carol vizinha)